Spanish for Pre-school and Kindergarten Students (3 to 5 years old)
Preschoolers and kindergarteners have a unique opportunity to reinforce their formal school education by learning simultaneously in English and Spanish. Our approach is to customize each child’s program with the option to match their school program. We adjust our program to each student’s needs.
1- Curriculum
Our program is designed to reinforce the child’s learning through a second language. The high-level curriculum will be:
- ✓ Weather
- ✓ Rooms of the house
- ✓ Locations (cities, countries, parks, amusement parks, etc.)
- ✓ Numbers
- ✓ Greetings
- ✓ Alphabet
- ✓ Sports & activities
- ✓ And much more

*Please note each student will have a customized program according to their age and some students may not be able to perform all activities in the curriculum right away. According to their background, some students will have to start at the basic level curriculum.
2- Expected Activities
Students will develop their skills through different fun, interactive, and sensory activities such as:—————————————
- ✓ Games
- ✓ Cartoons
- ✓ Drawing
- ✓ Computer animations and videos
- ✓ Online games
- ✓ Playing with Legos & toys
3- Benefits
Preschoolers and kindergarteners have a unique opportunity to reinforce their formal school education by learning simultaneously in English and Spanish. Our approach is to customize each child’s program to match their school program and adjust our program to each student’s needs.
- ✓ Simultaneously learning Spanish & English
- ✓ Awareness of a new culture
- ✓ Pronunciation of sounds unique to Spanish language
- ✓ Socialization through opportunities with our FREE group classes**
**Free group classes are only available with membership packages
4- Parent Involvement
Preschoolers will need some support during their lessons mainly to ensure the students are performing their class activities safely and to provide tech support as needed. The program is designed to keep the student’s attention with the teacher for the duration of the lesson.
5- Monthly Check-ins
Monthly check-ins are good opportunities for the following conversations:
- ✓ Evaluate effectiveness of class activities outside of the class
- ✓ Discuss upcoming activities and supplies that may be required
- ✓ Demonstrate progress to family members
- ✓ Adjust program according to progress
- ✓ Share teacher’s evaluation on progress to date