Bilingual early stimulation (0 to 12 months)

Our bilingual early stimulation program is designed to strengthen the bond between parents and child while they interact with a different language in fun and natural ways.

1- Curriculum

Our program is designed to help infants learn through routine, repetition, exploration, and fun. The high-level curriculum will be:

  • Body movements

    1. Sit
    2. Crawl
    3. Stand up
    4. Hand-eye coordination
    5. And much more
  • Language development

    1. Social laughter
    2. Sound recognition and imitation
    3. Early syllable pronunciation
    4. Understanding and following instructions

*Please note each student will have a customized program according to their age and some students may not be able to perform all activities in the curriculum right away.

2- Expected Activities

Students will develop their skills through different fun, interactive, and sensory activities such as:

  • Activities

    1. Games
    2. Massages from parents
    3. Songs
    4. Movements and exploration
    5. Sensory experiences

3- Benefits

The infants who participate in our early stimulation program have shown improved development in the following areas:

  • Benefits may include

    1. Fine motor coordination
    2. Gross motor coordination
    3. Social skills
    4. Cognitive skills
    5. Early exposure to Spanish will help the student understand, follow instructions and finally, reproduce the native speaker pronunciation
      • Understand and follow instructions
      • Early exposure to Spanish will help the student reproduce native speaker pronunciations

4- Parent Involvement

Bilingual early stimulation will not only help the infants develop skills, but it will help parents build a deeper bond with their child. Therefore, the program is designed to have parents actively participate during all the classes.

5- Monthly Check-ins

Monthly check-ins are good opportunities for the following conversations:

  • Check-ins

    1. Evaluate effectiveness of after class activities and progress made
    2. Demonstrate progress to family members not involved in regular lessons
    3. Adjust program to reflect new goals and objectives